The pace at which new data in medicine is getting published is tremendous and to keep up with it we need a way to quickly access the key points of landmark clinical trials.
Visualmed app provides visual infographic based summaries of landmark clinical trials in medicine and other fields of health care.
For example, if you write aspirin the search bar you will obtain access to all landmark clinical trials done on aspirin.
The app gets updated with more recent studies every day so make sure to check out the recent tab to access all the latest clinical trials in medicine.
The app version of visualmed lets users sort clinical trials based on the field of medicine.
We added 30 new trials every month so with just one time subscription fee you will be getting access to all our trials visual abstracts.
With our search tool, you can quickly put in keywords to access clinical trials on that subject.
For example, if you're looking for landmark trials in cardiology then simply access the cardiology subcategory.
The best way to use this app is when you're rounding on your patients and a question arises regarding patient care for which you need to look up supportive evidence in the form of landmark clinical trial on that topic.
Additionally, we have added year based sorting of studies that let users access studies that are published in 2020 or which were published back in the 90s!.
Tapping on a trial will give you a visual summary highlighting the key objective, type, and primary findings of that trial.
In order to fill that gap, we came up with Visualmed.
Access an ever-growing list of landmark clinical trials visual summaries for lifetime with just one time $6 subscription fee.