Battery Life

Battery Life Logiciel

Nom de la société:

À propos: mobeego is an affordable, single-use, cordless battery that provides an instant shot of power for
your phone, so you can stay mobile.
Siège social: Shetulim, HaDarom, Israel.

Battery Life Présentation

Monitor iPhone and Apple Watch battery data at a glance with Battery Life - the ultimate battery analysis tool downloaded by millions of users since 2014.

Therefore the actual data may not reflect the most recent battery level, although we are trying to keep it as close to real-time as possible to ensure you are not viewing out of date data.

The application will display runtimes, various internal as well as external battery data and keep you informed about the corresponding battery charges.

The main objective of Battery Life is to give users an overview of their device's runtimes and battery charge level.

If you are unsure about a battery replacement or just want to give us some feedback, feel free to send us an e-mail through the app’s contact form or tweet us (@BatteryLifeApp).

Captures d'écran officielles


Détails du produit et description de

Monitor iPhone and Apple Watch battery data at a glance with Battery Life - the ultimate battery analysis tool downloaded by millions of users since 2014. Battery Life is pioneer compared to all other battery analysis tools from the App Store. The application will display runtimes, various internal as well as external battery data and keep you informed about the corresponding battery charges. ► KEY FEATURES • Monitor your Apple mobile devices’ runtimes • Gain insight into paired devices, including their battery charge • Stay informed about battery charge levels by utilizing customized notifications • View battery charge levels both from the iOS and Apple Watch app • Glance at your wrist: Apple Watch battery complications done right • Today widget extension to view your device’s runtimes ► NOTIFICATIONS • Set up battery charging notifications to receive a message, when your Apple Watch or iPhone battery is charged to a predefined level • Set up low battery notifications to receive a message, when your Apple Watch or iPhone battery is running low and falls below a predefined level ► APPLE WATCH • Monitor battery charges of your Apple Watch and iPhone from Battery Life’s Watch application • A wide variety of complications ensures that you can view both battery charge levels from your favorite watch faces ► PRO FEATURES (In-App Purchase) • No advertisements • Customize battery dis-/charge notifications • Apple Watch complications ► PLEASE NOTE There are technical limitations on how often notifications are sent and complication data are updated to keep the power usage to a minimum. Therefore the actual data may not reflect the most recent battery level, although we are trying to keep it as close to real-time as possible to ensure you are not viewing out of date data. The usual refresh interval for notifications and complication data is in the range of 5 to 60 minutes. ► SUPPORT The main objective of Battery Life is to give users an overview of their device's runtimes and battery charge level. If you are unsure about a battery replacement or just want to give us some feedback, feel free to send us an e-mail through the app’s contact form or tweet us (@BatteryLifeApp).

Haut Avis

Par iDocs

Merci pour la mise à jour sous iOS 10.2.1

La dernière mise à jour fonctionne très bien sur mon iPhone 7 Plus sous iOS 10.2.1 Rien à redire de mon point de vue. Pour les personnes ayant des problèmes avec le niveau d'usure vider la batterie à 0% et laissé la à 0% pendant 6 heures (la nuit par exemple); Puis charger la à 100% + 2 heures de charge complémentaire. L'application devrait faire une réestimation plus juste du niveau d'usure de la batterie.

Par Boulox_2PZ

Fais ce qu'on lui demande

Infos sur la batterie très précis je conseil

Par Lulu-49


Application excellente très précise je vous la conseille

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