Whether you are planning a night out or your excursions to a new city Grabbd is the place to discover what's trending in any city and get personalized recommendations based on where your friends are going.
Grabbd makes it easy to Discover, Save, Love, and Share Places with your friends.
Save places you love or want to try on Grabbd and it will organize these by city.
SEARCH: Find new and unique places such as restaurants, bars, cafes, museums, parks, cities, galleries, boutiques, landmarks and so much more.
PERSONALISE: Saved places are organised by your city lists and you can also create your own collection as per your interest.
SHARE: You can use your list as your personal digital guide and share it as a beautiful blog with your friends and followers in or outside of the app.
CONNECT: Stay connected with your friends and be linked with like-minded people and see where they are going.
EXPLORE: Be in the know of what is trending around you, whether it is a new place everyone is raving about or a place loved by your friends.
Grabbd is THE destination to find all the best places.
EXPRESS: Curate your amazing lists, add photos, and comment to personalize all your finds.
Stay updated with all amazing finds with just a tap.
In any city or country.