Causes app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

Causes funktioniert nicht

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**Featured on MSNBC, the Today Show, The NYTimes, Wired, Politico and the iTunes
App Store Causes makes learning about what your government is up to easy and
fun. Learn about issues you care about, influence Congress with one-tap voting,
and rally your friends around specific legislation.

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Countable Corp, den Entwicklern von Causes in Kontakt zu treten..

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Kontakt-E-Mail: [email protected]

10% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: miHoYo Limited

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Causes Website besuchen

About this app

Learn about issues you care about, influence Congress with one-tap voting, and rally your friends around specific legislation. - Action Centers are a hub for all the things you care about. - “Slick, easy to use and could definitely help inform your opinions. - “Telling your senator how to vote is as easy and ‘liking’ a Facebook picture. - “Makes it easy to stay informed with D. C. and ultimately let's my voice be heard. - “An easy way to keep track of bills in congress and give feedback to my senators and representatives! We love feedback!  Email us at support@countable. diese App was created by a team of dedicated Americans based in San Francisco and Washington DC.  diese App makes learning about what your government is up to easy and fun.  We believe that using technology properly can make American democracy work in a fashion similar to what our founders envisioned. 

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