A comprehensive all-in-one Dividend tool for stocks in US market with Interactive Calendar, Historical Dividend Data & Charts, Advanced Quotes (pre & after market included), Watchlist Showing Dividend Info, Upcoming Dividends Alerts & Reminders, Advanced Stock Ratings and FA / TA scores, Historical Chart of Fundamental Analysis Indicators, Pro Fundamental & Technical Analysis of stocks, Top FA / TA Stocks Scanning, and lots more.
The newly designed dividend calendar and dividend history let you conveniently view upcoming dividend events of a single date or date range, detailed historical dividend data like ex-dividend date, amount, type, frequency, declaration / record / payment date, and dividend chart.
Enter a stock symbol in "Research" tab and view stock quotes and charts with multiple technical indicators, chart types, & date ranges.
"Top Stocks of FA Score" and "Top Stocks of TA Score" scan and show the stocks with top fundamental or technical analysis score of all US market, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, NYSE, AMEX, and various industries.
Check dividend history, read stock news, view insider tradings, write notes, and see shared notes from others.