Contact Cleanup

Contact Cleanup Software


Contact Cleanup Übersicht

This app can help you to remove duplicate contacts in one click, also it supports Recycle Bin, you can rollback deleted contacts easily, never mind mistake remove.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Delete duplicate contacts easily! This app can help you to remove duplicate contacts in one click, also it supports Recycle Bin, you can rollback deleted contacts easily, never mind mistake remove. Smart Filters: - Merge contacts with duplicate Phone. - Merge contacts with duplicate Email. - Merge contacts with duplicate Name. - Find contacts without Name. - Find contacts without phone Number. - Find contacts without Email. Backup Contacts & Rollback: - Backup your contacts in on click! - Recycle bin support, never mind mistake remove. Other Features: - Quick select and unselect contacts. - Double check list. - Search contacts.

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch Jo1970

Alles was ich brauchte, for free

Dubletten löschen, doppelte Rufnummern suchen und leere Mailadressen-Felder aufspüren. Überall war die App hilfreich. Vielen Dank dafür!

durch Cuz_Im_Adam

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Ich hab die App zum Kontakte zusammenführen runtergeladen und es hat geklappt echt Gute App!

durch يوسف س

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