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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Your Giving, Inc., den Entwicklern von Tithe.ly in Kontakt zu treten..

About this app

We are fully PCI compliant and if you lose your phone, no transactions can be made without your passcode. + Increase giving consistency by making it simple for you members to give in the moment or via scheduled recurring gifts. + Improve giving response rates by putting the power to give in the palm of your member’s hands.  Allowing members to give from their mobile devices is huge and the the automated recurring giving feature has been very well received.  Tithe. ly’s app enables mobile giving for churches that’s simple, safe and secure.  Mobile giving is an extension of our online giving and kiosk giving features. Tithe. ly works with Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and Discover.  We're nearing 10% of or gifts being done via automated recurring giving. ” – Barry Crocker, Sr. Pastor at Hope United L. A.  Make it easy for your members to donate electronically, either right on your premises with a donation kiosk, or on the go with online giving.  App review – “We saw giving increase the very first month we started using TIthe. ly.  Your members will be able to make one time or recurring gifts to one or many funds through their mobile device.  App review – “People are loving the giving services you provide for us!  Thank God for your creativity! ” – Dr. Herbert H. App review – “Tithe. ly is essential for growing your church! ** Featured on ChurchMag, Church Tech Today, Church Marketing Sucks, and Chuch Law & Tax.  It’s SIMPLE, SAFE, & SECURE. Tithe. ly takes security seriously.  When giving is convenient, people give more.  No more remembering the checkbook or wallet. + Reduce cost and admin time spent on data entry, gift management and administration.  We want to help your church reach its resource potential through innovative technology.  All information is safely encrypted and stored behind multi-layers of advanced bank level security.  Once your members are set up they can make a donation with a few taps.