Panopto creates software that enables organizations to record, webcast, search, and share all of their video content and presentations.
Panopto's video platform is currently in use at Fortune 500 companies around the world, and is the fastest growing lecture capture solution at leading universities.
View HD video presentations, lectures, training courses and events.
And record video presentations using your built-in camera.
• Sales and Marketing can record and webcast presentations, demos, and events.
Panopto Mobile lets you access all of your organization’s video content from your iPhone or iPad.
• Support teams can record tutorials and visually demonstrate solutions to customers.
• Students can record their own videos and securely submit them for instructor review.
• Engineering teams can record meetings and share best practices.
• Faculty can record lectures, lab demonstrations, medical simulations, and more.
• Human Resources can deliver online training to employees around the world.
• Students can view lectures on the go and take notes that get saved with the recording.
• IT staff can integrate Panopto with existing LMS, CMS and identity systems.
• Corporate Communications can deliver recorded or live messages from executives.