Charity Miles app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

Charity Miles funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht von on 2023-10-07

Charity Miles is a free app that enables you to earn money for charity whenever
you walk, run or bike. Anytime.

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Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Charity Miles, den Entwicklern von Charity Miles in Kontakt zu treten..

100% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: Charity Miles

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Charity Miles Website besuchen

About this app

Through Charity Miles, you can create your own Pledge Page where your friends can sponsor you… even if you’re not doing a marathon or race.  But just by sharing your Charity Miles on social media will subtly give your friends the opportunity to find your Pledge Page and throw some support your way… WITHOUT you having to reach out every time.  This enables you to turn all the miles you’re going to walk, run or bike anyway into money for charity. Anytime. Anywhere.  Charity Miles is a free app that enables you to earn money for charity whenever you walk, run or bike. Anytime. Anywhere.  Since our founding in 2012, Charity Miles has helped earn nearly $3 million for amazing charities, thanks to the support of our corporate sponsors.  If you’re the kind of person who is already raising money for charity, this will help you raise even more money for them.  If you’re the kind of person that wants to make an impact, but maybe marathons aren’t your thing… or you can’t make your charity’s walking event, or you don’t feel comfortable asking your friends to support you, we’ve got you covered.  And, the more money you earn for your charity, the more chances you’ll have to win cool prizes (and even more money for your charity) from our sponsors too.  Charity Miles also now syncs with Strava and your phone’s Health Kit (and therefore, any devices you have connected to them).  Now we have a brand NEW and innovative way to raise even more money for your charity than ever before.  The more your friends pledge, the more money you can earn. Literally UNLIMITED.  But now you can do it year-round, even if you’re not doing a race and WITHOUT having to pester your friends.  Plus when your friends sponsor you, they’re entered into a drawing to win cool prizes from our sponsors, like a trip to Hawaii.  Many people raise money by doing things like marathons and 10Ks.  Of course, it’s great to reach out to ask your friends to sponsor you personally.  You can use any fitness tracker on the app store to track your miles. 

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