* TIP: To send your location information to a contact, you must have the Maps page open (tap the Target button) when you send the HeyTell message.
Use HeyTell as a walkie talkie, intercom, or instant voice messaging system to send quick voice messages to friends and family with iPhones or iPods.
* TIP: IF YOU GET AN "INBOX FULL" message, there's no need to delete the app or messages: This just means that your friend has to listen or reply to the messages you sent before you can continue to send them messages.
For privacy reasons, HeyTell does not send your location unless you approve by sending messages with Maps open.
+ Medium Privacy: Anyone who knows your contact information and is friends with one of your HeyTell friends can connect with you.
* TIP: If you did not enable Pushes on initial install, open the Apple Settings app, select Notifications, ensure it's set to On, select HeyTell, and ensure that Badges and Alerts are both set to On.
- You do not need to share personal information to connect with HeyTell contacts.
+ Low Privacy: Anyone who knows your contact information can connect with you without an invite.
* TIP: Swipe left or right on the conversation and click the DELETE button to delete messages.
HeyTell® is a cross-platform voice messenger that allows you to instantly talk with friends and family.
NOTE: Carriers may charge you & your recipient for SMS invites, but email invites & Low privacy direct connections should be free.
+ High Privacy: No one can connect with you until you accept their invitation.
Otherwise, they must invite you to connect.
- Earpiece and speakerphone functionality: Press the SPEAKER button to toggle earpiece vs.