Kontakt SVT Play

SVT Play direkt für Support kontaktieren

Veröffentlicht von on 2024-06-26

Über: Med SVT Play kan du se SVTs program och sändningar när och där det passar dig
bäst. Med appen kan du: - Titta på SVTs program, kanaler och
livesändningar - Fortsätta titta på program du börjat följa under För
dig - Sök och bläddra bland kategorier - Spela upp på din TV via AppleTV
eller Chromecast Program kan ha olika rättigheter som bestämmer hur länge de
finns tillgängliga i appen.

So erreichen Sie SVT Play Kundenservice und Unterstützung

SVT Play Kontakt Informationen

Nachfolgend finden Sie unsere wichtigsten Empfehlungen zur Kontaktaufnahme mit SVT Play. Wir führen auf den direkten Seiten ihrer Website Vermutungen durch, um Hilfe bei Problemen wie der Verwendung ihrer Website / App, Abrechnungen, Preisen, Verwendung, Integrationen und anderen Problemen zu erhalten. Sie können eine der folgenden Methoden ausprobieren, um SVT Play. Finden Sie heraus, mit welchen Optionen Ihre Kundendienstprobleme am schnellsten gelöst werden können..
Die folgenden Kontaktoptionen stehen zur Verfügung: Preisinformationen, Support, Allgemeine Hilfe und Presseinformationen/Berichterstattung (um die Reputation des Unternehmens zu bewerten)

NOTE: If the links below doesn't work for you, Please go directly to the Homepage of Sveriges Television AB

62.5% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: Sveriges Television AB

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: SVT Play Website besuchen

58.82% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: Sveriges Television AB

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Sveriges Television AB Website besuchen

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Gemeldete Probleme: 3 Kommentare

3.9 out of 5

durch New Mobile Bookmarks sucks!

Kan bara ses i Sverige?

What good is an app that prohibits you from viewing "Rapport" because you're not accessing the program from within Sweden, when you can freely watch the same program (as well as all the other programs) in a web browser? I don't need apps like that, so today I deleted the SVT Play app and instead added a link to my browser. Update 25 Feb 2022: Despite SVT's assurances that the "technical problem" will be fixed, today it's again not allowing persons with an IP address outside of Sweden to watch "Rapport." However, the content is again freely available when viewing with a web browser. So, again I ask, why does anyone need an app that doesn't work when one can just view "Rapport" in a web browser? You don't. Update 9 March 2022: Again today 'Kan bara ses i Sverige' although they claim they've fixed the 'technical problem.' (Actually, this is a very good app which I've been using for a few years already. The only reason I gave it only 1 star was due to the fact that "Rapport" was suddenly only available for viewing in Sweden, although the program was freely available in any web browser. From my experience, I've learned that it is a complete waste of time to write to big companies, so I figured if I reviewed the app here and gave it only one star, that someone from SVT would immediately see it and do something about it, which is actually what happened. Regrettably, however, the glitch still occurs--as documented above. Therefore, I've not changed my rating. If it weren't for these glitches, I'd give the app 4 stars.) Next update, 21 March 2022: Again "kan bara ses i Sverige" although "Rapport" is available for viewing in any browser. When are you REALLY going to fix this issue? Just posting that a problem has been fixed does not fix the problem!

durch Böschtet


Tyvär funktionära inte en vide Eller live Stream.

durch New Mobile Bookmarks sucks!

Kan bara ses i Sverige?

What good is an app that prohibits you from viewing "Rapport" because you're not accessing the program from within Sweden, when you can freely watch the same program (as well as all the other programs) in a web browser? I don't need apps like that, so today I deleted the SVT Play app and instead added a link to my browser. Update 25 Feb 2022: Despite SVT's assurances that the "technical problem" will be fixed, today it's again not allowing persons with an IP address outside of Sweden to watch "Rapport." However, the content is again freely available when viewing with a web browser. So, again I ask, why does anyone need an app that doesn't work when one can just view "Rapport" in a web browser? You don't. Update 9 March 2022: Again today 'Kan bara ses i Sverige' although they claim they've fixed the 'technical problem.' (Actually, this is a very good app which I've been using for a few years already. The only reason I gave it only 1 star was due to the fact that "Rapport" was suddenly only available for viewing in Sweden, although the program was freely available in any web browser. From my experience, I've learned that it is a complete waste of time to write to big companies, so I figured if I reviewed the app here and gave it only one star, that someone from SVT would immediately see it and do something about it, which is actually what happened. Regrettably, however, the glitch still occurs--as documented above. Therefore, I've not changed my rating. If it weren't for these glitches, I'd give the app 4 stars.) Next update, 21 March 2022: Again "kan bara ses i Sverige" although "Rapport" is available for viewing in any browser. When are you REALLY going to fix this issue? Just posting that a problem has been fixed does not fix the problem!

Habe ein probleme mit SVT Play? Probleme melden

Einen Kommentar hinterlassen:

Warum sollte ich ein Problem melden mit SVT Play?

  1. Probleme, mit denen Benutzer wie Sie konfrontiert sind, sind eine gute Möglichkeit, die Aufmerksamkeit auf SVT Play Mit der Kraft der Menge zu deinem Problem.
  2. Wir haben ein System entwickelt, das versucht, mit einem Unternehmen in Kontakt zu treten, sobald ein Problem gemeldet wird. Bei vielen gemeldeten Problemen werden die Unternehmen definitiv zuhören.
  3. Wichtig ist, dass Kunden von anderen Kunden lernen können, falls das Problem ein häufiges Problem ist, das zuvor behoben wurde.
  4. Wenn Sie ein SVT Play Kunde sind und auf ein Problem stoßen, ist Justuseapp möglicherweise nicht die schnellste und effektivste Methode, um das Problem zu lösen, aber Sie können zumindest andere vor der Verwendung warnen SVT Play.

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