Multiple rules can be combined to create powerful automations that drop traffic to certain destinations, add or remove HTTP headers and respond locally with custom data, bypassing the remote server.
Proxygen is a professional HTTP proxy tool for testing apps and debugging remote API endpoints right on your iPhone, iPad and Mac.
Note that Proxygen is a TLS MitM proxy, which means that it sees HTTPS network traffic in plain text.
The proxy can perform TLS Manipulator in the Middle (MitM) to see inside HTTPS connections and apply custom logic to each message.
This data is transferred from the proxy to the Proxygen app and stored as part of the project document.
The magic lies in a little custom HTTP proxy that the iOS app runs in a local VPN extension.
Proxygen can modify requests and responses, on the fly, according to your custom rules.
The app uses an innovative side scrolling list with sortable columns, which makes it possible to work with large message logs with ease.
This proxy was developed using SwiftNIO, a framework for blazing fast asynchronous network applications.
Proxygen on the iPad app comes with full keyboard support with shortcuts for common actions.
Proxygen was designed for iPad from the start and offers a one of a kind tablet experience.
It handles decoding of HTTP content automatically, letting you focus on testing the remote API.
To put it bluntly, you’ve probably never seen a HTTP proxy this fast before.
The editor is based on open source Runestone framework, which uses Tree-sitter for fast language parsing and syntax highlighting.