Feyn - Flashcards

Feyn - Flashcards Software


Feyn Übersicht

We support iOS features like multitasking for seamlessly creating new notes, and copying and pasting drawings between the iOS Notes app and Feyn to easily convert your lecture notes into cards.

Open up a book on your iPad and comfortably create cards of the most important concepts right there using your Apple Pencil.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Use flashcards, spaced-repetition, and your Apple Pencil to study with diese App! Taking your own notes by hand and spaced-repetition are the best way to learn new concepts, and with diese App you can do just that. Open up a book on your iPad and comfortably create cards of the most important concepts right there using your Apple Pencil. The cards are phone-sized so that you can then take them on the go and review them on your phone! Their size also makes them easy to write while multi-tasking on your iPad. In this way, you *learn* on your iPad as you think of how to you summarize new concepts into cards, and *memorize* on your iPhone while you review them on the go! We support iOS features like multitasking for seamlessly creating new notes, and copying and pasting drawings between the iOS Notes app and diese App to easily convert your lecture notes into cards. The notes will automatically synchronize between your devices using your iCloud drive. We also support iOS' Quick Note, Handoff, and have a macOS app. diese App uses spaced repetition to aid in learning. The app will ask you to review cards depending on how well you do remembering them, cards you miss will be asked more often, and cards you get right less often. This way you minimize the total time you spend studying and maximize retention!

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch nel1703

Super App

Die App ist sehr minimalistisch/übersichtlich gestaltet. Notizen auf dem iPad zu erstellen funktioniert super dank des Apple Pencils und das Feature sie dann auf dem iPhone unterwegs durchgehen zu können finde ich toll. Bei anderen Apps nicht getestet hatte konnte man seine Karte nicht so schön personalisieren. Gefällt mir sehr!

durch space_racer07

richtiger schrott

wozu ist es da iese notiz dinger sind für handys hedacht

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