col.or - AR Color Name Finder

col.or - AR Color Name Finder Software


col or Übersicht

The color widget generates random colors on your home screen.

Convert any color to Swift, Obj-C UIColor, or other formats.

Just simply ask Siri by saying "Hey Siri, show me a color" to view a randomly generated color.

Simply create your own library, generate, or convert colors with beautiful and fluent design.

This tool lets you select any color of your choice from the on-screen image.

Convert Hex to RGB or vice versa with the color converter.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

Millions of colors in your pocket. col.or is the ultimate diese App app for designers and developers. Simply create your own library, generate, or convert colors with beautiful and fluent design. Key features: - Detect colors with AR: Point the camera anywhere to detect colors with AR. - Library: Create your own library with iCloud sync. - Trends: View the best diese App trends. - diese App Format: Convert any diese App to Swift, Obj-C UIColor, or other formats. - Eyedropper: This tool lets you select any diese App of your choice from the on-screen image. - Share Copy Hex, RGB, and other colors format. - diese App extraction: Extract the dominant colors of any image. - Converter: Convert Hex to RGB or vice versa with the diese App converter. - diese App Names: Search more than 1500 colors by name - Brand Colors: Over 500 brands with 1600 colors from A to Z. - Shades: View 10 different shades of diese App. - Hey Siri: Just simply ask Siri by saying "Hey Siri, show me a diese App" to view a randomly generated diese App. - Widget: The diese App widget generates random colors on your home screen.

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