OK Play: Where Kids Create Erfahrungen und Bewertung

OK Play: Where Kids Create Erfahrungen und Bewertung

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Über: OK Play is a community where kids can create, play, and share content in a
totally judgment-free zone. Choose from hundreds of activities to create
something new, star in an exciting adventure with a custom avatar, or just watch
awesome videos made by other kids.

Über OK Play

Every week, we challenge kids to make something amazing! After each challenge, kids can safely share their creation with the entire OK Play community and see what other kids have imagined up in the app.

Choose from hundreds of activities to create something new, star in an exciting adventure with a custom avatar, or just watch awesome videos made by other kids.

OK Play is a community where kids can create, play, and share content in a totally judgment-free zone.

At OK Play, safety is our top priority; our avatars allow kids to show their unique personalities without uploading their own photos or videos.

“OK Play is an engaging app that is backed by science, which parents will find useful in helping their children learn social and emotional strategies to deal with the situations they encounter every day.

Kids can play and participate in the community to earn tokens.

Every OK Play story supports social and emotional learning, which is proven to help children develop skills like kindness, empathy, and resilience.

Kids can be the heroes of epic story adventures, explore new worlds, and learn valuable life lessons along the way.

Our interactive stories are designed to ignite imagination and give kids the power to create their own adventures.

Tokens empower kids to upgrade their avatars by accessing special outfits, accessories, and more.

Always ad-free & kid-safe, OK Play is a safe and inclusive community for kid creators.

OK Play is a safe, positive, and inclusive community for kid creators.

Kids can express themselves in fun and creative outfits, hairstyles, and accessories.

Our kid-friendly tools for avatar creation, drawing, sound recording, and augmented reality bring your creations to life.


Gesamtbewertung der Benutzerzufriedenheit




~ aus Justuseapp.com NLP-Analyse von 2 software bewertungen.

0 OK Play Erfahrungen und Bewertung

5.0 out of 5

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Ist OK Play sicher?

Ja. OK Play: Where Kids Create ist sehr sicher zu bedienen. Dies basiert auf unserer NLP-Analyse (Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache) von über 2 Benutzerbewertungen aus dem Appstore und der kumulativen Bewertung des Appstores von 5.0/5 . Justuseapp Sicherheit sergebnis für OK Play Ist 77.1/100.

Ist OK Play Legitime?

Ja. OK Play: Where Kids Create ist eine absolut legitime App. Zu dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde gelangt, indem 2 OK Play: Where Kids Create Benutzerbewertungen durch unseren maschinellen NLP-Lernprozess geleitet wurden, um festzustellen, ob Benutzer glauben, dass die App legitim ist oder nicht. Basierend darauf beträgt, Justuseapp Legitimitäts Wertung für OK Play Ist 92.2/100..

Ist OK Play: Where Kids Create funktioniert nicht?

OK Play: Where Kids Create funktioniert die meiste Zeit. Wenn es bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert, empfehlen wir Ihnen, etwas Geduld zu üben und es später erneut zu versuchen. Kontakt Kundenservice.

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