Juno – Python and Jupyter Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Juno – Python and Jupyter Erfahrungen und Bewertung

Veröffentlicht von on 2024-07-28

Über: Zero-setup Python environment and developer toolbox in a first-class citizen app
for iPad and iPhone. Juno is designed to cover all your Python coding needs,
and will work seamlessly with all source code formats.

Über Juno

Notebook documents keep a record of all inputs and outputs from an interactive programming session, and the rich output generated by running Python scripts (including HTML, images, video, and plots) is embedded within the Jupyter notebook document.

Juno supports both Python scripts (.py) and Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) — a document format focused on applying Python to data analysis and computational science.

A Jupyter notebook is a versatile document format that enables you to store live code, markdown text, plots, images, and LaTeX equations — all within a single notebook file with a .ipynb extension.

Juno is designed to cover all your Python coding needs, and will work seamlessly with all source code formats.

Juno lets you work on these with snappy code completion, a console with full terminal emulator support, a built-in media viewer for code-generated images, plots, web apps, and more.

Juno will execute the code using an embedded Python interpreter, locally on your iPhone or iPad and completely offline.

Python scripts are plain-text Python source code files with a .py extension.

They are particularly convenient for coding in Python for data analysis, machine learning, or computational science in general.

Zero-setup Python environment and developer toolbox in a first-class citizen app for iPad and iPhone.


Gesamtbewertung der Benutzerzufriedenheit




~ aus Justuseapp.com NLP-Analyse von 175 software bewertungen.

585 Juno Erfahrungen und Bewertung

4.6 out of 5


Instabil und keine Repository Support

Ich habe Juno nun eine weile versucht zu testen, leider stürzt Juno ständig ab, es ist auch nicht leicht ganze Ordner und deren Inhalte zu Importieren, wenn sich darin andere Daten wie Jupiter Dateien befinden z.B Trainingsdaten für Deep-Learning. Auch Repository’s wie Git oder ähnliche Tools werden nicht unterstützt.
Alles in allem ein nettes Tool aber für den tägliche Arbeitsgebrauch leider unbrauchbar.
Ich hätte am liebsten gerne mein Geld zurück, denn Juno ist es nicht Wert.


Best way to work with Jupyter-Notebooks on the iPad

I bought the app to work on Jupyter-Notebooks with my iPad and I am quite happy with it regarding its design and the workflow with a keyboard. An update to Python 3.11 to improve performance would be nice. I have run into one problem though. The package „iminuit“ cannot be installed which hinders some of my work. Also under the Package manager a tab called “Installed” which shows a list of the already installed packages would be a nice addition.


Useful App!

I really like diese App, and the latest version makes installing packages very easy.
Only draw back I see is that it is still running on Python 3.6.
I hope it will be upgraded to the latest version of Python soon.


Excellent but needs further work

This is the closest thing to a premium-experience iOS IDE I know of. In theory, it’s quite excellent. It just needs further development to be flawless.

It takes too long to load/launch. It’s a very slow app to launch, loading for maybe a full minute.

It doesn’t have the library “Spacy” (for NLP). They should add it.



Thank you so much for this excellent implementation. Pleeeease include the European module „eurostat“ in the near future, it serves as a great and simple to use source of data for panda experiments!


No export and preview option?

Pleeeease please include options to export files in other formats (LATEX, PDF) and very important: preview of the file. I am a bit disappointed since I can just use it to change things but have to use my computer again to export and preview the file. That’s so annoying and not worth 16€. I hope these functions will be included soon. Otherwise I cannot really recommend this app.


Great App, but crashes non stop on iPad Pro

The App is great overall. It brings Jupyter to the iPad with many extension and feels very nice to use.

Unfortunately, the App freezes randomly every couple of minutes and crashes on my iPad Pro M2. I have not yet found a solution or a workaround for that.


Best Tool For Jupyter Notebooks On iPad

It really is a very clean, simple to use yet rather complete tool.


Of limited use because of the ancient python version (3.6.6)

Modern libraries won‘t work because of the ancient python version that is used here. It is a good IDE but there are better alternatives in the AppStore.



and nicely implemented!


PDF Export

Is it possible to Save the File as PDF?


Does not support SciPy

The app description should clearly state that it does not support scipy. The expectation is not far fetched, since support of numpy is strongly advertised. Without scipy, it is hardly useful.


One of the best!

Great App. Will there be TensorFlow and Keras in future?


Sometimes buggy, not really fast, limited

i think it‘s one of the best jupyter notebook apps outside, but it seems running a bit slow, really limited to pre-installed packages and it’s often buggy. when i have a hard coding session i need to restart this app so often. especially restart/interrupting the kernel doesn‘t stop the code. meanwhile if i have internet i usually use google collab, but to code quick snippets this app is really useful


why not scipy?

Please update!!!


No Scipy

... Support no scipy ... no Stars :-(


App is useless because it crashes all the time

Every time I try to import my .csv file in the notebook (with pd.read_csv) the whole app crashes. My iPad has the A14 chip, so performance shouldn’t be the problem. Please fix this, I’ll change my review when it works.


Didn‘t know this was possible on an iPad

This app is amazing: Looks great, good usability and for what it offers it‘s really lightweight on storage and battery.
But to come to the core: I did not know this is possible on an iPad. A fully fledged Jupyter Notebooks editor, all running on the device. Even comes with e.g. pandas and numpy preinstalled to have a Data Science environment on the go. And autocomplete. And lots of keyboard shortcuts. And splitscreen. And...



It is useless without paying 30 dollars. Do not scam people just make app paid in the first place

Ist Juno sicher?

Ja. Juno – Python and Jupyter ist sehr sicher zu bedienen. Dies basiert auf unserer NLP-Analyse (Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache) von über 175 Benutzerbewertungen aus dem Appstore und der kumulativen Bewertung des Appstores von 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Sicherheit sergebnis für Juno Ist 84.1/100.

Ist Juno Legitime?

Ja. Juno – Python and Jupyter ist eine absolut legitime App. Zu dieser Schlussfolgerung wurde gelangt, indem 175 Juno – Python and Jupyter Benutzerbewertungen durch unseren maschinellen NLP-Lernprozess geleitet wurden, um festzustellen, ob Benutzer glauben, dass die App legitim ist oder nicht. Basierend darauf beträgt, Justuseapp Legitimitäts Wertung für Juno Ist 97.2/100..

Ist Juno – Python and Jupyter funktioniert nicht?

Juno – Python and Jupyter funktioniert die meiste Zeit. Wenn es bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert, empfehlen wir Ihnen, etwas Geduld zu üben und es später erneut zu versuchen. Kontakt Kundenservice.

Wie war Ihre Erfahrung mit Juno – Python and Jupyter? Schreiben Sie eine Rezension

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