After ninety days of prayerful meditation in Exodus 90, you and your fraternity will continue your journey of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity through the Biblical Series--three years' worth of spiritual journeys through the books of the Bible from Genesis to the Acts of the Apostles.
Exodus 90 calls you to follow a disciplined life of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity.
Exodus 90 is an introduction to a different kind of life: a life of responsibility and meaning and freedom.
You know what we're talking about: endless scrolling through useless noise, unending binges of shows you stopped caring about three seasons ago, two-three-four-five drinks per night celebrating nothing in particular, we live for the weekends and then waste them away.
• Exodus increases men's faith satisfaction, helps them spend 46% more time in prayer, and increases their participation at church.
On Day 8 of your first spiritual journey, you'll be invited to join Exodus Membership.
The first 7 days of Exodus 90 and all the Biblical Series exercises are completely free to new men.
Just like the Israelites whose journey to ultimate freedom did not come to fruition until the coming of Jesus Christ, so too for us our journey to freedom is ongoing.
Freedom from our vices and freedom to live a life for others: our families, friends, and communities.
Over the course of ninety days, you will say goodbye to creature comforts and find new life in Christ.
More than 99% of men who complete Exodus 90 report being more free from unhealthy attachments.
And you'll undertake this journey with a band of brothers to provide encouragement (and correction) along the way.
All around the world, thousands of men find themselves trapped in negative, habitual thought and behavior patterns.
• Exodus is effective.