*2 .Saved output files will be sampling rate 44.1KHz m4a or wav monaural or stereo format.Saving file is an in-App purchase feature.
- You can import mp3,m4a,wav format music files from iCloud,Dropbox,Google Drive and etc.
Therefore you can import your live recording files recorded by other applications to this app and you will be able to remove or extract vocal from those recordings.
After extraction, you will see Save Vocal and Save Backing buttons are active.If you tap one of those buttons at the first time, in-App purchase screen will show up.
Choose a file and tap Export menu on the navigation bar, the document providers screen will appear.
The name of saved files will be “original file name without suffix”+ “_vocal.m4a” and “_backing.m4a”. You can not rename them on this version.
If you want to save outputs to files externally, we recommend to confirm the quality of vocal separation and then consider to purchase this option.
In order to export output files from the app container, tap Export button.
The sampling rate and the format of output files are 44.1KHz m4a or wav.
Tap Vocal Extract button located in the center of the main screen.
Extraction and Removing will start and upon completion, Vocal,Backing and Save buttons will be active.
Instead of that, you will be able to save files after save confirmation pop-up is displayed.
Once you purchase, in-App purchase screen will never show up again.
Tap Music Library button and choose a music then it is loaded to the app.