For meteorologists, and weather enthusiasts, LuckGrib offers access to a wide range of high resolutions models, a number of global models, weather data at the surface, 850mb, 500mb and 250mb levels, parameters ranging from simple things such as wind, pressure and temperature, to more advanced quantities such as simulated radar, standard deviations, precipitable water, lightning, vertical vorticity, helicity and more.
For offshore sailors, LuckGrib offers a best-in-class, complete solution: industry leading visualization and ease of use, highly optimized weather data downloads via satellite, along with industry leading optimized weather routing and route analysis.
LuckGrib provides access to many weather and ocean models, including: GFS, GFS Wave, GDPS/GEM, GEFS, HRRR, RAP, NAM, NBM, Icon-EU, Arpège, Arome, OpenWRF, RTOFS, NCOM and many others.
The LuckGrib isochronal Weather Routing solver is able to respect intermediate constraint points, the first in the industry.
The LuckGrib weather routing system is an industry leading, high quality, robust, high performance and comprehensive system.
These routes can now be described in LuckGrib, and optimized Weather Routing solutions found for them.
Weather forecast data, packaged as GRIB files, can be downloaded directly from the LuckGrib server cluster.
LuckGrib is unique among apps that were originally designed for sailors, in that the weather analysis tools are powerful enough to attract attention from meteorologitsts.
In addition, LuckGrib allows you to explore weather model uncertainty with its support for standard deviation and probability values.
Access to the isochronal weather routing system requires an in-app purchase.
LuckGrib is a fully featured, easy to use, fast GRIB reader, viewer, downloader and weather router.
Remote access to weather data via satellite or email is supported.
Advanced weather routing capabilities, for sailors, is available.
Note that LuckGrib does not use a subscription pricing model - after the free trial, when you decide to purchase the app, there will be a one time charge, not an ongoing subscription.