Clean Time App

Clean Time App Software


Clean Time App Übersicht

This app is a day counter for anyone recovering from alcohol, drugs, overeating, gambling, or smoking or for anyone just wanting to keep track of time since an event.

Time can be shown in years, months, and days, or total days, or hours, minutes and seconds by clicking on time.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

This app is a day counter for anyone recovering from alcohol, drugs, overeating, gambling, or smoking or for anyone just wanting to keep track of time since an event. Customize the app with your name, date, colors and what you an recovering from. Time can be shown in years, months, and days, or total days, or hours, minutes and seconds by clicking on time. Add things to your gratitude list. Also there is a link to the just for today reading and the reading from the beginning of the NA meetings. More feature to come. If you find any issues and have any questions/suggestions please email me - [email protected]

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