David is the inventor of many word search games- you might have even played a word puzzle of his and not even have realized it! "Boggle BrainBusters", for example, is the original word link game, and there are so many word hunt and find the word games in the "Word Roundup" family of games that David has truly earned his title of "The Man Who Puzzles the World".
Word search like you’ve never seen it before with this great new app from the author of "Jumble" and inventor of "Just 2 Words", "USA Today Word Roundup" and many more great word games.
If you’re a word finder looking for your new favorite free game, your search is over! “Word Search World Traveler” is the top game for you- it is word search + so much more.
* Traditional WORD SEARCH taken to a whole new level.
* Tons of great THEMES and puzzle FORMATS- there’s always something new to discover.