CoSpaces Edu app funktioniert nicht? Probleme und Störung

CoSpaces Edu funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht von on 2024-05-06

Create and explore VR and AR worlds with your students! Adaptable to any
subject and grade, CoSpaces Edu lets students build their own 3D creations,
animate them with code and explore them in Virtual or Augmented
Reality. Creating with CoSpaces Edu develops 21st Century learning skills and
digital literacy, enhances creativity and fosters collaboration in the classroom.

Ich habe ein Probleme mit CoSpaces Edu

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Delightex GmbH, den Entwicklern von CoSpaces Edu in Kontakt zu treten..

100% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: Delightex GmbH

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: CoSpaces Edu Website besuchen

80% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: ABLworkspaces

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: ABLworkspaces Website besuchen

About this app

Adaptable to any subject and grade, CoSpaces Edu lets students build their own 3D creations, animate them with code and explore them in Virtual or Augmented Reality.  Creating with CoSpaces Edu develops 21st Century learning skills and digital literacy, enhances creativity and fosters collaboration in the classroom.  Create and explore VR and AR worlds with your students!  CoSpaces Edu is used in many subject areas from STEM and coding, to social sciences, languages, arts and makerspaces. – Use the web app on a computer or tablet to build in 3D. – Dive into your creations in VR with your mobile VR headset. – Explore your creations in AR and on the MERGE Cube with the mobile app and a smartphone or tablet. 

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