Night club strobe light-synced with your music

Night club strobe light-synced with your music Software


Night club strobe light synced with your music Übersicht

Not just that, the phone screen will become a disco light, one might say, strikes at your music beats! That’s NOT all.

It provides a FREE handy strobe light to you right in your pocket! It will LITERALLY "LISTEN" to the music around you and blink the flash on your device, just like a strobe light.

- Tap the screen light button (on the left) to activate disco light and screen light effects.

- Tap the strobe light button (on the right) to activate strobe light effect.

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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

It provides a FREE handy strobe light to you right in your pocket! It will LITERALLY "LISTEN" to the music around you and blink the flash on your device, just like a strobe light. Not just that, the phone screen will become a disco light, one might say, strikes at your music beats! That’s NOT all. Swipe your screen and it will give you several majestic hallucinations, sync with your music, of course. This app is just perfect for your party group, large or small, or even for enhancing your personal musical experience. Bring your phones together and parties are just one tap away! **FEATURES** - Strobe light syncs with your music - Disco light syncs with your music - Hallucination effects, sync with your music - Sensitivity adjustment by quick or accurate mode, with a good visual presentation. - Torchlight support, for..ehhm… finding objects you dropped on the floor for example. - Listen to music from around you or right from your phone - Futuristic design, smooth animation **HOW TO USE** - Tap the screen light button (on the left) to activate disco light and screen light effects. - Tap the strobe light button (on the right) to activate strobe light effect. Tap again to switch to torchlight mode. - You will see the music reflects on the slider bar in color. Once the color bar exceeds the pointer on the slider, the flashlight will strike. This is how you control sensitivity. - For quick configuration, just tap on the marks on the slider to adjust the sensitivity. Move your finger on the slider (you don’t have to place your fingertip exactly on the pointer) for more accurate result. - Swipe left or right to change screen effect and hallucinations. **************** Please contact us for feedback and suggestion: [email protected]

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch partymausjojo

Marslose Enttäuschung

Wir haben mit Vorfreude diese App heruntergeladen und uns erhofft, eine geile Party mit strobo Licht zu veranstalten. Leider wurden wir maßlos enttäuscht: wir konnten die App nicht bedienen und es kamen einfach nur sinnlose Lichtblitze und optische Täuschungen auf dem Bildschirm. Kein gutes feeling! :-(

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