Night Photo — Low Light Camera

Night Photo — Low Light Camera Software


Über: Inlovewith is a production company, delivering any digital production within web, apps &
Hauptsitz: Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden.

Night Photo Low Light Camera Übersicht

By taking 16 multiple long exposure photos in a sequence we can perfect the light and colors without grain in settings so dark you can't even see them with your eyes! This has not previously been possible without an expensive DSLR Camera with bulb mode.

You can manage or cancel your auto-renewable subscription by entering the user settings in iTunes after the purchase.

Offizielle Bildschirmfotos


Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

This is the most efficient low light camera photography app on the iPhone. The technology was invented in 2017 and has never before been available on a smartphone. By taking 16 multiple long exposure photos in a sequence we can perfect the light and colors without grain in settings so dark you can't even see them with your eyes! This has not previously been possible without an expensive DSLR Camera with bulb mode. You will notice that the results are equally good using this app. FEATURES — No ads whatsoever — Take photos of things you can't even see — Wonderful colors and no grain — Edit your photos to perfection - Exposure - Lux - Contrast - Highlights - Shadows - Noise Reduction - Sharpen - Saturation — 3 second delay after pressing the shutter button — Takes 16 long exposure shots that are combined into one clear, bright, vibrant grain less photo — Tripod (or placing the camera) is needed ABOUT THE OPTIONAL UPGRADE The optional Premium subscription is free for one month. Then it costs $2.99 per month. It will be charged from your iTunes account after the purchase. You can manage or cancel your auto-renewable subscription by entering the user settings in iTunes after the purchase. The subscription will be auto-renewed 24 hours before the subscription period ends with the same kind of subscription you already bought to the same price. It's not possible to abort the subscription during the time it's active. Terms and Privacy:

Oben Erfahrungen und Bewertung

durch papacarlos2000

Sofort gelöscht

Es muss schon eine richtig dolle App sein, damit ich bereit wäre, 150 EURO im Jahr dafür auszugeben. Da mir absolut unklar ist, wie ich aus dem Abo da wieder heraus komme, habe ich die App lieber gleich gelöscht.

durch casper 23.12

Super schlecht

Das Bild war total verzerrt und man musste, um bessere Qualität zu bekommen, monatlich Geld bezahlen. In meinen Augen, nicht zu benutzen.

durch Amilcar Alzaga


The I’m not sure which technology they clam was invented in 2017, but really? Fusion of multiple photos on a tripod minus the black mask? That’s pure wannabe marketing. But sadly that’s not the scam part. On the description it says that you get one month free and then a $2.99 a month. Then when you click on suscribe it says 1 week free and 3.99€ a week!!! Thank you Apple for showing this things before one buys, but this app probably shouldn’t be here.

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