If there are several Greek words that may translate to the same English word, Vine's distinguishes the shadings of meaning and connotation that may be lost in the English translation.
Vine's also provides the definition of a word (as used in the King James Version) more accurately than an English dictionary, because it expands the Greek use of the word.
2:2 is defined in the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary as "1: Divine 2: pious, devout -", but in Vines, it is defined as " 'to be devout,' denotes that piety which is characterized by a Godward attitude, does that which is well-pleasing to Him." So we have a fuller meaning of the word by seeing how the word is used in the NT.
It is a cross-reference from key English words in the Authorized King James Bible Version to the original words in the Greek texts of the New Testament.
Vine did not write an equivalent work for Old Testament Hebrew words; however, Vine's work is sometimes combined with another author's Hebrew dictionary and marketed under Vine's name as a "complete" expository dictionary.
It provides a concise meaning of the original Greek word, often providing Bible verse references as examples.
For example, there are a number of Greek words that may be translated by the English word love.
Dear users - I made this dictionary with KJV Bible verses (because it's more popular), but if you want use it with ASV version please let me know.
Also I would like to make clickable Strong Numbers (like Bible verses) - when clicked would open the description and other information about the Strong Number.
For example, the word, "godliness" in 1 Tim.
But I do not know how much you need it.