Find your new job today with the top jobs search app! Edit your work profile, upload your CV / Resume and start applying to part-time jobs, full-time jobs, student jobs, graduate jobs, and so much more.
Applying for jobs just got easier - our intelligent job search gets smarter each time you use it, to help you find your next job today.
Apply to the latest, closest and best jobs and find your next job today with JobSwipe to get employment opportunities fast.
We’ll use your current industry and ideal titles to scan and search for new jobs nearby.
Just create your work profile, add your industry information and your preferred job titles to scan and look for jobs in a specified location or nearby.
You can find part-time jobs, full-time jobs, student jobs, or graduate jobs and even more - just swipe.
Made a mistake? Not a problem - we’ll show you your deleted jobs in a list, just in case.
We’ll do the hard work and pull in jobs from all the top job boards and employer sites.
- If you delete a job, JobSwipe will take the hint - you won’t see the same, or similar, jobs.
Just start your new job search by registering on JobSwipe and editing your work profile.
- JobSwipe uses our Adswipe intelligent search technology to improve the quality of your job matches based on your previous swipes.
- Made a mistake? No worries - you can tap to view previously deleted jobs and shortlist them.
- Shortlisted jobs are also emailed to you so you can apply from your laptop too.
- Set alternative locations and easily switch between them using the Location tab - and increase the search distance from these locations.