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Instant access to top quality video and audio Torah classes by the worlds
greatest Torah scholars. This well designed, powerful app was created to
provide you with the most convenient, easily accessible, and fun learning

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About this app

Topics include: Personal Growth, Kabbalah / Jewish Mysticism, Mashiach, Philosophy and Thought, Dating and Marriage, Parenting / Raising children, Israel, Life After Death, The Weekly Torah Portion, Holidays, Life Cycle and much more. Speakers include: R. Zecharia Wallerstein, R. Fischel Schachter, Mr. Charlie Harary, R. Paysach Krohn. R. David Orlofsky, Reb. Yemima Mizrachi, R. Yossi Mizrachi, R. Akiva Tatz, R. Benzion Klatzko, R.  Organization include: Ohr Naava, Chazaq, Emet Outreach, Aish, Gateways, Divine Information, Shabbat. com, The Shmuz, Hidabroot, JELN, Orah, RAJE, Ohel Sarah Amen Group and many more. » Watch LIVE classes right from your phone/tablet. » Download to access classes without wi-fi or phone connection. » Follow a Speaker to be instantly notified when a new class is added. » Send questions, feedback, and special requests.  I listen to shiurim all the time (whenever is possible). you have such a nice verity of different topics and speakers, I never have enough! these shuirim really change me.... thank you!  Instant access to top quality video and audio Torah classes by the worlds greatest Torah scholars.  Ever since I've started listening to shiurim on Torah anytime, I have felt tremendous gratitude towards you".  I am writing from Melbourne Australia, and having the access to such speakers is phenomenal.  This well designed, powerful app was created to provide you with the most convenient, easily accessible, and fun learning experience.  Simply open the Menu, Tap on Settings, then Feedback and leave us a message there.  "I have been out of school now for two years, and although I never thought I would say this, I miss it.  I miss the daily inspiration, I miss the constant chizuk and I miss the constructive musser.  "I recently went through a challenging time and a friend recommended your site to me.  I recently came back from seminary and it was so hard to adjust to work and college life.  My friend recommended me to try torahanytime speeches and I cant even tell you how I was so impressed.  Bentzion Shafier, R Jonathan Rietti, R. Mordechai Becher, R. Daniel Glatstein, R.  Should you have any issues, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK in the marketplace.  So theres a tremendous amount of Hakras Hatov I have to you that no words would be enough to express it. 

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