Just use route search! Schedules by Trafi makes your city easier to navigate by connecting all your favorite city mobility options, from public transport and city bikes to car sharing and ride-hailing.
Schedules by Trafi connects and compares your favorite city mobility options and always shows them in real-time.
No need to put extra thought into what’s best for you – Schedules by Trafi allows you to compare every option in terms of efficiency, speed and price.
Schedules by Trafi shows streets in real-time so you can accurately pick and choose according to what’s happening right at this moment.
Can’t find an internet connection? Rest assured that you'll always have access to our offline timetables, which make route search available at all times.
Everything you need to explore your city under one app icon.
Have a destination you visit every day? Forget writing down addresses and access your favorites in one tap.