What in Hell is Bad? Avis

What in Hell is Bad? Avis

Publié par on 2024-08-07

À propos: Touch, move, and leave traces. "God disappeared one day, and all the blame is
on Hell.

À propos What in Hell is Bad

The devils of the Seven Deadly Sins (greed, wrath, sloth, envy, gluttony, pride, lust) and the 72 devils who are their vassals but each rule over their own regions as nobles.

Countless devils and demons trying to posses you, the descendant of Solomon, and become king.

The final temptation, where the fate of all universes depends on who is crowned king, begins now.

Will obtain God's powers and completely end the strife between Hell and Heaven that lasted for eternity.

And many more stories and devils are waiting for you.


Satisfaction globale des utilisateurs

188 What in Hell is Bad Avis

3.5 out of 5


Des points positifs mais des problèmes…

Personnellement je trouve que c’est un super jeu avec de nombreux point positif mais avec certains point qui reste à améliorer tel que : -la langue française à ajouter -les messages avec les personnages qui bougent et auquel je n’ai pas accès -les bugs dut au surplus de personnes dans le serveur, qui soit fait krach WhatinHellisBad sois on ne peut plus rentrer dans le jeu. Pour l’instant je ne voit que ça et c’est tant mieux mais j’attends toujours de pouvoir repourvoir rentrer dans le jeu lorsqu’il n’y aura plus autant de monde. (En espérant que ce soit vite réglé) Merci et bravo pour votre nouveau jeu quand même !





Is it a problem ?

I really love the game and the graphics, but in the battles, there are some special skills that I can’t do. Like, I click the little crown but it does nothing :/ is it normal ?



I really like the game but i literally cannot access it anymore there’s either too many people on the server or it just tells me “cannot access at this time” over and over again.

It’s an overall disappointing experience cause the game seemed quite fun. 😔😔


Love it but need improvements

I'm just starting to play the game, but I can already say that I really like it. I have yet to explore all the features, but I can see a few things that could be improved (where can I make these suggestions?).
I can't wait to continue the story and learn more about the characters.


Cool but

There’s a part of my screen cut off when I go into battles and I’m not sure how to fix and I want to change the characters, I play on an Ipad but the storyline itself is pretty cool and funny too.

Edit : Actually, parts of my screen is cut off which kind of bother me on gameplay battle because I cannot switch out my characters.
Please, fix this problem, ASAP..


I like but … french ?

Hello, will the games be translated into French? I will give 5 stars when there will be French bye 😁



🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 wah les q boing boing bonk AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH(//∇//) fan service aled


Good but not enough choices and events

This game is really good, but it’s frustrating to see how we’re bonded to satan everytime, personally I don’t like him, I like Mammon, and I wish we have a choice to choose “our” demon ? And it would be nice to put more events to win special event banner’s wishes, because they’re not the same material, and it’s hard to get without an event !!


Please fix the battle screen for Ipad!!

Please fix the battle screen for Ipad!!


They are ignoring us and won’t address what need to be addressed

The last update put all the new characters behind a paywall, we lose most of the values of the game and the shop is practically useless now. Fix you game or kill it. It’s a shame but now we be boycotting it. DO SOMETHING PRETTYBUSY


About to boycott

I’m seriously about to stop playing. We can’t even have the new characters without paying crazy amounts of money, that’s ridiculous

Est What in Hell is Bad Sûr?

Oui. What in Hell is Bad? est très sûr à utiliser. Ceci est basé sur notre analyse NLP (Traitement du langage naturel) de plus de 30 avis d'utilisateurs provenant de l'Appstore et la note cumulative de l"Aappstore de 3.5/5 . Score de sécurité Justuseapp pour What in Hell is Bad Est 40.3/100.

Est What in Hell is Bad Légitime?

Oui. What in Hell is Bad? est une application totalement légitime. Cette conclusion a été obtenue en passant 30 What in Hell is Bad? avis d'utilisateurs via notre processus d'apprentissage automatique NLP pour déterminer si les utilisateurs croient que l'application est légitime ou non. Sur cette base, Justuseapp Score de légitimité pour What in Hell is Bad Est 74.4/100..

Est What in Hell is Bad? ne fonctionne pas?

What in Hell is Bad? fonctionne la plupart du temps. Si cela ne fonctionne pas pour vous, nous vous recommandons de faire preuve de patience et de réessayer plus tard ou Contacter le support.

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