Actionbound is an interactive app-based game approach for smart phones and tablets: Players are invited to accomplish tasks, which can be defined through the so-called Bound-Creator on the website, in order to playfully discover their environment by learning more about its history, politics and culture.
Apart from the altruistic goal of helping people to discover “their environment by learning more about its history, politics and culture”, the free app is payable for corporate clients, who can use Actionbound for team-building events and the likes.
We call these interactive mobile rallies “Bounds”, essentially a collection of diverse tasks, e.g., taking pictures, dancing, playing a game etc., linked to a specific location.
Actionbound is an app for playing digital scavenger hunts by means of installing digital content in the physical world.
The content is filled in by the users on the website making actual surroundings a backdrop for the game.
In contrast to a geo-cache or a scavenger hunt Actionbound requires the players to create their own content.
The program quite literally augments our reality by enhancing peoples’ real-life interaction whilst using their smart phones and tablets.