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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Elecont LLC, les développeurs de Weather Alert Map USA.

About this app

If you tap on it, you will get a summarized version of the advisory or warning, and you can tap it for more detailed information. • Interactive vector-based severe weather alerts and details. • Advisories, watches, and warnings for: Severe Storms, Tornadoes, Wildfires, Earthquakes, Winter Weather, Extreme Temperatures, Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, Typhoons, Volcanoes, Tsunami, Wind, 911 Outages, Fog, Flooding, Civil Emergencies, Nuclear Power Plant Warnings, Law Enforcement Warnings, Local Emergencies, Child Abduction Emergencies, Avalanches, and more.  App offers High-resolution, predictive (future) weather radar, Satellite images of national and local cloud cover, current weather conditions, 10-day and hourly weather forecasts, Lightning tracker, Sea surface temperature, Tide predictions, Air quality and Earthquakes via In-App purchase.  Displays animated weather radar around your current location, allowing you to quickly see what weather is coming your way. • Past, current and future weather radar images. • High resolution radar.  Allows you to easily pan and zoom so you can get unmatched detail of weather in your neighborhood or half a world away. • Provides current weather conditions and a weather forecast up to 10 days ahead for cities all over the world.  Satellite images provide an excellent view on the clouds in the sky and an indication of the weather over the North American continent, Europe, Japan, Indonesia and Australia.  With Alert Map you will see all watches, warnings, and advisories issued by the National Weather Service.  Check LIVE storm track, future path and get critical weather alerts for your location in easy and intuitive way - directly on the map.  Weather Alert Map is the only app you need for the latest severe weather information.  Provides useful information for Fisherman, Divers, Surfers, Sailors, Lifeguards, boaters, and anyone that needs to know the water temperatures near them. • Times and Heights for high and low tides for thousands of ports, harbors and popular coastal locations around the world.  Stay ahead of severe weather wherever you are with the Weather Alert Map application!  The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a forecast, updated hourly, of what the 24 hour average AQI will be for the current day. • Provides air quality data for the U.  They cover just about anything you can think of including, air quality, avalanches, blizzards, floods, earthquakes, high winds, hurricanes, thunderstorms and so much more.  Provides near realtime updates of the latest earthquakes across U. S. , Worldwide. • Generates a real-time map of earthquakes that have occurred over the past day in the world.  Stunning and sharp images. • Full, animated radar from the NWS for the entire U. S.  You will see these warnings color coded in the affected areas on the map.  S, includes levels for fine particles, ozone and etc.