These include, for example, GWP and ODP values for the refrigerants, safety group, chemical composition or components in mixtures, CAS number, molecular weight, triple and boiling (bubble) points, critical temperature, critical pressure and information on the type of oil for the compressor.
▸ Ruler: By means of a slider, the values of pressure, dew and boiling (bubble) temperatures (temperature glide resulting from the difference) for the selected refrigerant can be determined.
With this setting, the atmospheric pressure can be entered either manually on the upper ruler or via the "barometer symbol" to correct the pressure values.
▸ Automatic Barometer: The app offers the possibility to determine the current altitude above sea level and/or the actual atmospheric pressure to correct the corresponding dew and bubble temperatures in case of overpressure settings.
Pressure and temperature values can also be entered manually - either by tapping on the respective field or via the symbol "123".