- Integrated Helm client to view, install, uninstall, upgrade and rollback Helm releases, pull charts from custom Helm repositories, and edit the configuration values of installed charts.
- Multiple overview dashboards with time series charts powered by an internal Prometheus client.
- Multi-namespace mode (viewing the resources of multiple namespaces of multiple clusters at once).
- Watching and searching logs of multiple pods and containers in one combined stream, including ANSI colors and font styles.
- Multi-cluster mode (viewing the resources of multiple clusters at once).
- Widgets for home screen, lock screen and desktop with workload statuses and Prometheus time series charts.
- Viewing built-in resources and custom resources in gorgeous native detail views.
- Forwarding ports of pods and services to the device's localhost, including multiplexing and robust reconnection behavior, even over app restarts.
- Editing resources as YAML source with the integrated, customizable text editor.
- Accessing clusters stored on the local system keychain.
- Optionally syncing stored clusters between devices via iCloud Keychain.
- Attaching shells to both pods and nodes with the integrated terminal.
- Accessing clusters stored on a local kubeconfig file.
Nautik is an accessible, concurrent Kubernetes client that is native to Apple devices.