Each community has its own guidelines and moderators to keep its members safe, and robust blocking and reporting tools help prevent abuse.
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Content warnings let you hide posts containing sensitive or triggering material until you're ready to engage with them.
Express yourself with custom emoji, images, GIFs, videos, and audio in 500-character posts.
Instead of a single website, it’s a network of millions of users in independent communities that can all interact with one another, seamlessly.
Decide whether your posts are shared with your followers, just the people you mention, or the whole world.
Reply to threads and reblog posts from anyone to share great stuff.
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Mastodon is the largest decentralized social network on the internet.
Mastodon is a registered nonprofit and development is supported directly by your donations.
There’s no advertising, no monetization, and no venture capital, and we plan to keep it that way.
Mastodon is built with a focus on privacy and safety.
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