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Writer's Companion ne fonctionne plus

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Writer's Companion is an app created by author Caleb A. Robinson to aid writers
in planning novels, organizing content, and achieving goals.

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Caleb Robinson, les développeurs de Writer's Companion.

94.44% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Caleb A. Robinson

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Writer's Companion

About this app

You can add world-building items to each chapter so you can keep track of which characters are present in the scene, where it takes place, or really anything you might need to track!  Every goal you set, outline you create, and world-building item you add will be related to a Project to help you stay organized.  Adding a world-building item will create a new category into which you can organize your ideas (for example "Characters" or "Kingdoms").  The planning tool allows you to create chapter outlines for your Project.  Use this part of the app to create and edit goals and to view your progress.  The world-building tool can be used to organize information about the world in which your story takes place.  Goals are tied to your Projects so you can keep your progress organized.  Once you have created a category, you can add individual items (for example "Percy Jackson" or "Gondor").  Goals help writers stay on target to achieve their dreams.  Robinson to aid writers in planning novels, organizing content, and achieving goals.  The word "Project" can be replaced with "Novel", "Screenplay", or "Dungeons and Dragons Campaign"; it just depends on what you use the app for!  You can easily view your writing progress by checking the box next to a chapter when it is complete.  Each Project can have one chapter outline.  Goals don't have to be measured in word counts.  Writer's Companion is an app created by author Caleb A.  Projects are at the center of the Writer's Companion App. 

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