Find Your Hearing Aids + Avis

Find Your Hearing Aids + Avis

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À propos: To help you to find your lost hearing aid in seconds! Avoid an expensive
replacement! ***Losing hearing aids can be a costly event! Save some Time and
Money!!!*** Hearing Aids Bluetooth Finder works with most major hearing aid
brands. Easily use the Bluetooth Radar mechanism to find the proximity to your
lost device! ***Works with any BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy 4.

À propos Find Your Hearing Aids

You must be connected to your hearing aids in iOS Bluetooth Settings for the Sound Finder to play the sounds to your missing hearing aids.

To find your lost hearing aids, this app has THREE APPS IN ONE to increase your chances of finding your lost device.

There are two radar functions to find your lost device using Bluetooth low energy proximity.

Use ten different alert sounds to find your lost hearing aids by sound detection.

Your hearing aids must have a charge and be transmitting a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to be found with these two functions.

Hearing Aids Bluetooth Finder works with most major hearing aid brands.

The closer you are to your lost device, the higher the Bluetooth low energy signal percentage.

The Signal Radar and Radial Radar work with any BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 and up) device.

The closer you get to your missing hearing aid(s) the further the radial indicator will move to the right.

(Settings =>> Bluetooth =>>), Your devices must still be connected in My Devices).

***Works with any BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0) device.


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