Weather app - Weather forecast Avis

Weather app - Weather forecast Avis

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À propos: Best weather forecast, accurate position your. Application 100% FREE The
weather provides current detailed current weather forecasts and weather forecast
observations from all over the world.

À propos Weather app

The weather forecast also provides current atmospheric pressure, weather online conditions, visibility distance, relative humidity, different unit precipitation, dew point, wind speed and direction, and ten days ahead.

Detailed real-time weather reports, including real-time weather conditions and temperatures, “feeling” temperatures, precipitation, UV index, humidity, visibility, pressure, pollen count, sunrise and sunset times.

Detailed weather forecasts, including weather conditions, maximum/minimum temperatures, precipitation, wind, etc.

The weather provides current detailed current weather forecasts and weather forecast observations from all over the world.

Easily check the current & future weather info via widgets in 2*1, 4*1, 4*2, 5*1, 5*2 sizes.

In the meantime, all weather widgets can switch between different themes.

Inform you the real-time weather alerts and warnings.

Discover weather status for multiple locations at same time.

Daily and hourly weather forecasts.

You can check all of this data every day or even every hour.

Tell you to bring an umbrella with you before it rains.


Satisfaction globale des utilisateurs

0 Weather app Avis

3.8 out of 5

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Est Weather app Sûr?

Oui. Weather app - Weather forecast est calme, sûr à utiliser mais à utiliser avec prudence. Ceci est basé sur notre analyse NLP (Traitement du langage naturel) de plus de 8 avis d'utilisateurs provenant de l'Appstore et la note cumulative de l"Aappstore de 3.8/5 . Score de sécurité Justuseapp pour Weather app Est 25.0/100.

Est Weather app Légitime?

Oui. Weather app - Weather forecast est légitime, mais pas 100% légitime pour nous. Cette conclusion a été obtenue en passant 8 Weather app - Weather forecast avis d'utilisateurs via notre processus d'apprentissage automatique NLP pour déterminer si les utilisateurs croient que l'application est légitime ou non. Sur cette base, Justuseapp Score de légitimité pour Weather app Est 44/100..

Est Weather app - Weather forecast ne fonctionne pas?

Weather app - Weather forecast fonctionne la plupart du temps. Si cela ne fonctionne pas pour vous, nous vous recommandons de faire preuve de patience et de réessayer plus tard ou Contacter le support.

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