Coronavirus Australia Avis

Coronavirus Australia Avis

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À propos: You can use the Australian Government Coronavirus app to: - stay up to date
with the official information and advice - important health advice to help stop
the spread and stay healthy - get a quick snapshot of the current official
status within Australia - check your symptoms if you are concerned about
yourself or someone else - find relevant contact information - access updated
information from the Australian Government - .

À propos Coronavirus Australia

All information in the Australian Government Coronavirus app is sourced from Australia’s leading health organisations and has undergone a quality assurance process so people can know it is safe, appropriate and relevant for Australians.

Whilst this app has been reviewed for clinical accuracy, the content is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be used as an alternative to professional healthcare.

If you have a particular medical problem, please consult a doctor or a specialist.


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