Opal: temps d'écran focus Avis

Opal: temps d'écran focus Avis

Publié par on 2024-05-24

À propos: Opal is the #1 Screen Time App. Protect Your Focus Time.

À propos Opal

- Timer: Start to focus right away with Timer, choose your goal, apps to block and a time.

- Cross Device: Browser extensions and iPhone app will stay in sync and block relevant apps and websites when needed.

With Opal, you can block distracting apps and sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, Snapchat, Twitter and a lot more in one tap and end the doomscrolling.

- Calendar: Set daily working hours, sleep and routines, block apps automatically, so you don’t have to remember.

- Set daily working hours, sleep, and routines, block apps automatically, so you don’t have to remember.

Unlike most apps, Opal works entirely on your phone and personal browsing data never leaves your device.

- Block Trackers: Opal will block trackers and ads from accessing your device, stay safe and private.

- #1 Blocker: Instantly block apps and websites you choose.

You can add or remove Apps and Websites that are distracting to you directly from Opal's settings in the app.

- History: View in real time all apps and websites that are connecting to your devices with our DNS log.

- Shortcuts: Connect iPhone shortcut automations to make Opal impossible to bypass, so you can stay focused.

- Widget: Set Opal to your iPhone home screen! See you status, timer and stats instantly.

Our app uses a science-backed approach to disconnect distractions from your phone, set intentions, schedule time off, and focus on what matters to you.

We use Apple's local VPN technology in order to monitor and disconnect apps you use.


Satisfaction globale des utilisateurs

16 Opal Avis

4.8 out of 5


Super utile et facile a prendre en main

Appli super bien faite, très facile à prendre en main. J’aime beaucoup le design et les fonctionnalités. On me l’a recommandée et effectivement c’est vraiment utile !


Intéressante application

Application intéressante que je découvre... il aurait été sympa de prévoir une version en français, puisque j’ai cru comprendre que l’auteur était français 🥴



cette application est une application très pratique et intéressante mais une fonctionnalité en plus serait la bienvenue. Ce serait de pouvoir bloquer toutes les applications au bout d’un nombre d’heure d’écran précis et cela quotidiennement.


Focus focus focus

Meilleure appli pour rester focus et être productif!

Mettre off Twitter, Tiktok & co ça a du bon 😍


Super application

Application super simple à prendre en main.
On l'oublie très vite et je ne peux clairement plus m'en passer !


Opal is an application whose time has come

As the actors of the Digital Economy have well understood, our attention and our time are our most precious resources. I have followed cette application through various betas and am amazed at how its grown as both an essential well-being and productivity app. cette application today offers an intuitive interface and a well thought out design that can help you concentrate on what matters online with time left over to invest on what matters even more offline.


Makes a real difference in my mental health

I have been using the app for a few months and it is a real game changer - it is now essential to my personal productivity process but also to my health, especially regarding sleep quality and routine. Thank you cette application 🙏


Life changer

Super efficient. Reduces drasticly the addiction power of social media and allows you to take back control of how you spend your time


This app changed my life

cette application has helped me reduce my screen time dramatically. From 5+ hours per day to an average of 3 hours. Thank you for building such an great app🙌💪



Really, great. I couldn’t get out of the Focus Session and it’s what makes it better than any other apps.


Stay focused

The best app to not get distracted when its time to put the work in!
Turn off social media and other, sleek design, love it



It's a great app. My productivity has raised enormously, and I feel less overwhelmed by social media. I use it simultaneously with Forest, and matches very well!


Easy, funny and super useful

A great and easy way to master your time again.. thanks cette application !


The best app ever

It made my screen time so much lower


It’s an Every day gift

Using it every day and loving it !!



I've been testing cette application for months and love it. It is a great focus tool

Est Opal Sûr?

Oui. Opal: temps d'écran focus est très sûr à utiliser. Ceci est basé sur notre analyse NLP (Traitement du langage naturel) de plus de 1,381 avis d'utilisateurs provenant de l'Appstore et la note cumulative de l"Aappstore de 4.8/5 . Score de sécurité Justuseapp pour Opal Est 43.2/100.

Est Opal Légitime?

Oui. Opal: temps d'écran focus est une application totalement légitime. Cette conclusion a été obtenue en passant 1,381 Opal: temps d'écran focus avis d'utilisateurs via notre processus d'apprentissage automatique NLP pour déterminer si les utilisateurs croient que l'application est légitime ou non. Sur cette base, Justuseapp Score de légitimité pour Opal Est 58.3/100..

Est Opal: temps d'écran focus ne fonctionne pas?

Opal: temps d'écran focus fonctionne la plupart du temps. Si cela ne fonctionne pas pour vous, nous vous recommandons de faire preuve de patience et de réessayer plus tard ou Contacter le support.

Quelle a été votre expérience avec Opal: temps d'écran focus ? Poster un avis

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