Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books Avis

Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books Avis

Publié par on 2024-04-30

À propos: Short stories with life lessons for kids. Read aloud and the app responds to
your words with sounds.

À propos Readmio

The fairy tales have beautiful cover illustrations that will help you and your children choose what you are going to read.

Just download the app, save a story to the library and start reading! While you read out loud, the app follows along and adds sounds at exactly the right moment.

— Each fairy tale or story you read aloud can be recorded and automatically transformed into your very own audiobook! With just one click.

You don’t have to worry about anything, just read at a regular speed and our application will listen to you and enhance your experience.

— Stories include colouring pages you can print and let your children color them.

It’s a great activity children can do while you read to them or the next day.

In the stories themselves, we did not include illustrations intentionally because we do not want to support their time spent in front of the screen.

— Stories and fairy tales also include audiobooks.

It is better to draw children's attention to you, the sounds, and the story itself.

Read aloud and the app responds to your words with sounds.

Some parents even prefer to use a Bluetooth speaker to make the sounds and music create a colorful atmosphere throughout the whole room.

Readmio is an app full of fairy tales that we have enriched with sounds.

— You can also print any story and read it without the phone.

— You can listen to the audiobooks while travelling in the car or children can listen to your voice when you are away.


Satisfaction globale des utilisateurs

0 Readmio Avis

5.0 out of 5

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Est Readmio Sûr?

Oui. Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books est très sûr à utiliser. Ceci est basé sur notre analyse NLP (Traitement du langage naturel) de plus de 3 avis d'utilisateurs provenant de l'Appstore et la note cumulative de l"Aappstore de 5.0/5 . Score de sécurité Justuseapp pour Readmio Est 54.1/100.

Est Readmio Légitime?

Oui. Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books est une application totalement légitime. Cette conclusion a été obtenue en passant 3 Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books avis d'utilisateurs via notre processus d'apprentissage automatique NLP pour déterminer si les utilisateurs croient que l'application est légitime ou non. Sur cette base, Justuseapp Score de légitimité pour Readmio Est 92.3/100..

Est Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books ne fonctionne pas?

Readmio: Sleep Stories & Books fonctionne la plupart du temps. Si cela ne fonctionne pas pour vous, nous vous recommandons de faire preuve de patience et de réessayer plus tard ou Contacter le support.

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