Very damn good, even at first when still not used to it, it's already a huge step up. Sadly there is one thing bringing me back to the default keyboard : The predictions ! Because those ones aren't nearly as smart. ( Well, in French at least, and essentially because of accents, it seems. Isn't possible to have the apple's ones directly ? ) Also, I'm not a fan of staying on the key for some alt characters, like '"; and :, it breaks the rythm and ease errors... Or we have a selection like other alt characters, or a swipe down, like we have swipe up already, or I don't know what ^^, but there, I'm really dubious ! And lastly a little detail, the feature's information (i) is a pain to use lmao, it's too small ! Well, all that apart, still pretty nice, thanks much, and nice work ! With just some upgrades, if I could only use this keyboard ever, I'd go premium, no doubt.