School Administrators, via web site, are presented with a full dashboard, indicating which students are assigned to which activities.
Teachers use their accounts to define the activities, the expected students (if applicable), the maximum number of students per activity, and the dates and periods that the activities occur.
AllTimely allows the students to select one or more activities to attend during Genius Hour.
Once the site has been set up for your school, we will import your students and teachers, so they all have accounts to log into AllTimely.
It provides students a choice in what they learn during one or more activities during the school day.
Students will then select from these activities for the defined schools' days, and be notified accordingly if an activity is cancelled.
We also capture which students are not in activities, and can automatically assign them to a default activity, if necessary.
Genius Hour/Enrichment Period is a process that allows students to explore their own interests and encourages creativity in the classroom.
Also, we will set up which days you will have Genius Hour, in order to build a schedule to be shared with the students.
Students will login by selecting their school.
We also have 20+ reports that you can run, in order to have a complete, holistic view of your school's Genius Hour.
For a school to use AllTimely, please contact We will work with you to set up a web site for your school, with your own school's name in the web address.
Typically, teachers will create activities for learning Coach classes, as well as extracurricular activities.
These activities are defined by the teachers using the web application.