Flippy 2 - Smart Flashcards Application Similaire

Flippy 2 - Smart Flashcards Application Similaire

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Trouvez les meilleures applications comme les concurrents Flippy 2 - Smart Flashcards, et les meilleures applications logicielles/SaaS
dans cette catégorie. Saviez-vous que vous oubliez 40% de ce que vous avez appris après une heure ?
Ou saviez-vous que vous ne vous souvenez que de 30 % de votre cours après une
journée ? Avec Flippy, ces temps son...

45 Meilleures Application Comme Flippy 2

Quels sont les meilleurs logiciels comme Flippy 2 - Smart Flashcards pour 2024? Voici les logiciels Education les plus similaires que nous avons trouvés.

**Existing McGraw-Hill LearnSmart® users** with subscriptions can access their LearnSmart student account for free on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. With your existing subscription you can also try other LearnSmart titles by accessing one free chapter in each title (chapter 3)...

Piascore - Smart Music Score
** Plus de 3.000...

Brainscape - Smart Flashcards
Trouver, créer et partager des "fiches intelligentes" sur n’importe quel appareil. AUGMENTEZ votre vitesse d'apprentissage en utilisant le système d'étude le plus performant sur la planète...

Smart Parenting :Think-Grow KM
This is an app designed to help parents succeed at their most important role! It contains important and selected book summaries and a parenting quiz to test your parenting knowledge. Parents these days have an increasingly challenging role...

CardioSmart Heart Explorer
The American College of Cardiology’s CardioSmart Heart Explorer app is designed to enhance the clinician/patient relationship at the point of care. This app is compatible with both the iPhone and iPad...

HP SMARTS Training
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**For iPad devices only** To have the best experience we recommend an iPad device. McGraw-Hill Education’s SmartBook® is the first and only adaptive reading experience designed to change the way you read and learn...

ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור
For a generation, the ArtScroll Siddur has been the unchallenged Siddur of choice across the English-speaking world. We have transformed the Updated ArtScroll Wasserman Edition Ashkenaz Siddur into a Fully Digital Smart Siddur! Now being Joined by the Long Awaited Kest Family Edition Sefard Smart Siddur...

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LearnSmart Suite
**Existing McGraw-Hill LearnSmart® Achieve and Prep users** with subscriptions can access their LearnSmart Achieve and Prep assignments. The LearnSmart Suite includes LearnSmart Achieve which is a revolutionary new learning system that combines a continually adaptive learning experience with important, rich, dynamic learning resources to help students learn the material, retain more knowledge and get better grades...

Smart Optometry
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Smart Numbers
Version 2 of this highly rated, superbly crafted puzzle game. *** A beautiful number-crunching puzzler *** - New games that Apple love! > Simply swipe to add and subtract your way through levels, workouts and challenges...

Smart Button Panic Button
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Flashcards by SmartCards+
Trusted by thousands of students across the globe! SmartCards+:  Minimalist custom flashcards that help you study and retain information with just a few taps. Make your own flashcards using text, images, and sound or import pre-made decks from popular apps like Anki and Quizlet...

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Babbel – Apprendre une langue
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Code de la route 2024
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Jeux de bebe pour enfant 2 ans
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Simply Piano- Apprenez Piano
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FreezingBlue Flashcards!
Create your flashcards and carry them around in convenient digital format. Perfect for studying on the go! This application has powerful features made for the student who's serious about studying...

AnkiMobile Flashcards
AnkiMobile is a mobile companion to Anki, a powerful, intelligent flashcard program that is free, multi-platform, and open-source. Sales of this app support the development of both the computer and mobile version, which is why the app is priced as a computer application...

Bitsboard Flashcards & Games
A top 5 education game in the U.S...

Knowji Vocab Lite Audio Visual Vocabulary Flashcards for SAT, GRE, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, ISEE Exam Takers
If you have trouble remembering what you've learned, then this is the app for you. *** THE BEST VOCABULARY APPS IN THE APP STORE *** Knowji makes the highest quality and most effective vocabulary apps in the App Store...

Toddler Flashcards Tiny Hands
*** Fun educational game for toddlers of age 2.5 and up *** SORT AND CLASSIFY by shape, color, seasons, vehicles, animals and much more *** Developed with certified child psychologists ***15 beautiful mini-game *** Ascending difficulty level About the game: ----------------- "TinyHands Sorting 2" is an educational game for children of age 2...

GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Magoosh has helped MILLIONS of students pass their GRE! ""Master the 1000 most important GRE words with free flashcards! Practice every day to improve your vocab knowledge. Study to rectify your benightedness and prepare to trounce the GRE verbal section! • 1000 vocab words picked by an expert GRE tutor • Definitions and example sentences for every word • Decks for every difficulty level • Track your progress as ...

AnkiApp Flashcards
Learning Chinese characters? Kanji? Medicine? Another subject with lots to memorize? With that much to learn, you need the right flashcard app, to get the most from your study time. That's why AnkiApp uses an improved form of Spaced Repetition (SRS), built with Artificial Intelligence (AI), to maximize the amount of learning you get done in each study session...

Flashcards with Cram
Cram’s official flashcard mobile app is here. Bring all the flashcard features you know and love about Cram to your iPhone...

Intelli Flashcards
Thousands of users love Intelli Flashcards for its simplicity, effectiveness and elegance. But first things first...

Math Brain
"Mathbrain" is a perfect tool for you, if you need to improve concentration and memory. Practice just 10 minutes a day, and you will see the results in less than a week! Features for you: - Easy games with operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; - 3 difficulty levels; - Reminder about training: you can set a special time, we'll send push-notifications, so you'll not forget about daily training your bra...

See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right...

Learn Romanian - Free WordPower
Are you interested in learning Romanian, but just don't have the time? Let's face it, not everyone can commit full-time to learning a language. We know there are many things going on in your life: school, work, the kids, that special someone...

The PointSolutions polling app (formerly TurningPoint) allows you to use your web-enabled device to respond to questions in real time and self-paced modes. PointSolutions is proven to increase retention and engage learners while allowing instructors to collect data to ensure comprehension...

The Chemical Touch: Lite Edition
Sometimes all you need is a simple periodic table....

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Learn or refresh your Spanish, anytime and anywhere with a mobile language lab. 24/7 Spanish goes beyond the simple talking phrasebook or flashcard programs, providing a set of engaging, interactive study tools that help you really learn the language...

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Drivers Ed
Take your online drivers ed with America's #1 Driving School. The Driversed...

French FREE 24/7 Language Learning
Learn or refresh your French, anytime and anywhere with a mobile language lab. 24/7 French goes beyond the simple talking phrasebook or flashcard programs, providing a set of engaging, interactive study tools that help you really learn the language...

Crush your exams with quick help from StudyBlue's crowdsourced materials library. Take your notes into the wild...

PictureThis: Fleurs et arbres
PictureThis® identifie plus de 1 000 000 de plantes chaque jour avec une précision de 98 %, soit davantage que la plupart des experts humains. Obtenez des réponses à vos questions sur le jardinage et rejoignez notre communauté mondiale ! Vous croisez une jolie fleur inconnue au cours de votre promenade ? Vous voulez motiver vos enfants ? Vous avez besoin de conseils sur la façon de prendre soin de vos plantes ? Prene...

Brainly - Nosdevoirs.fr
Vous cherchez une aide aux devoirs ? Poste tes questions sur Brainly (Nosdevoirs.fr) et recevez les réponses des autres élèves en quelques minutes...

Jeux pour enfant de coloriage
Jeux créatifs et éducatifs pour les enfants qui les aideront à passer du temps de façon efficace sur un appareil électronique. Laissez votre enfant réveiller son côté artistique...

Apprenez à résoudre des problèmes mathématiques, à vérifier les devoirs et à étudier pour les prochains examens et ACT / SAT grâce à la ressource d'apprentissage en mathématiques la plus utilisée au monde. Plus de 100 millions de téléchargements et des milliards de problèmes résolus chaque mois! COMMENT ÇA MARCHE Numérisez instantanément du texte imprimé ET des problèmes mathématiques écrits à la main...

Jeux de bebe pour enfant 3 ans
Jeux créatifs et éducatifs pour les enfants qui les aideront à passer du temps de façon efficace sur un appareil électronique. Laissez votre enfant se sentir un véritable artiste et développer en même temps ses compétences logiques...

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