It fully supports Dark Mode, has pointer support and - on the iPad - supports portrait/landscape orientations, split screen multitasking and drag & drop to/from other Apps.
App List is a full-featured App bookmarking and wishlist solution for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS Apps.
You can give the developer a tip (via in-app purchase) if you want to support its development, but all functionality can be used freely without tipping.
Just add an App by sharing it from an App Store page, by sharing an App Store URL from another App, or by adding it directly inside App List.
• Use it as a simple wishlist to bookmark Apps you want to buy later.
• Comprehensive sorting and filtering: filter by tag and platform, search by keyword and change the sort priority of your results.
App List has support for all App Store storefronts.
• Save a collection of Apps which you do not use all the time, like your favorite travel apps.
App List is a free app.