WHAT DATA IS IN CARS: drive or sync your smartphone (via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or the USB), and your car will download & store lots of data! The home address, garage door codes, contact book, call logs, text messages, music, detailed GPS location, voice & video recordings, phone IDs, info about files, photos, & apps on your phone (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) and much more could be stored in the infotainment and other systems! Unless you wipe this data, it will remain in the car indefinitely - and anybody could access it.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California's Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Canada's PIPEDA, and many more privacy, security, and data retention laws require businesses to protect the Nonpublic Personal Information of customers, including from devices such as automobiles.
Quickly & intuitively delete the Nonpublic Personal Information vehicles increasingly capture while building records to demonstrate compliance with privacy, security, and data retention laws and regulations.
Regulators like the FTC in the USA and the European Data Protection Board in the EU, activists like Privacy International and BIPA, and many law enforcement and security experts issued warnings or recommend wiping Personal Data at every vehicle handoff.
WHY WIPING VEHICLE DATA: 52% of consumers strongly "worry about personal data that can still be found in cars when you return or sell them" [LeasePlan 2020 Car Data & Privacy Survey].