Remember yourself being a child hiding under the blanket with a book and a flashlight, binging a chapter after a chapter... As soon as you start reading, you are no longer a passive onlooker but a real partaker.
You can cancel the subscription more than 24 hours before your renewal date, in this case it remains active until the end of the current cycle.
If a free trial period is provided, it stops on activating a subscription, regardless of its duration and start date.
Choose your favorite genre – we tell horror, mystic, romantic, fantastic, crime stories and many others.
Collect gems while reading and use them to choose the desired line in our special quest stories.
Read stories nonstop by purchasing a subscription.
The subscription fee is charged to the account linked to your Apple ID after confirming the purchase.
The subscription is automatically renewed at the end of the current billing cycle.
Dive into the intriguing fictional reality and experience a feeling of being involved in a story.
Choose a convenient payment period ($3.99 a week, $11.99 a month or $58.99 a year).
In the Catch app you will find dozens of breathtaking chat-stories.
Take a look into the chat of our characters and find out who they love, who they are jealous of and what frightens them.
By the way, you can back get to reading anytime – the app always "remembers" the moment you stopped at.
You can manage your subscriptions in your Apple ID settings after purchasing.