The application offers the Holy Bible (Text and Audio) in no less than 36 of the most wide-spoken languages of the world: Chinese, Hindi, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Indonesian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Italian, German, Swahili, Turkish, Vietnamese, Amharic, Thai, Persian, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Serbian, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Somali.
The audio download is available book by book, which means that even if you have limited space, you can download a book (i.e. Genesis), use it for awhile, and then uninstall it and download a new one - this can be done in any of the 36 languages available with both text and audio.
Audio chapters can be streamed, and heard in any language when you are connected to Wi-Fi or DATA, or may be download into your device for use offline anytime, anywhere.
- Available with continuous play - that is, chapters play continuously as in a playlist - transforming your device into a neat audio player.
If you have plenty of space in your device, then you may download the whole Audio Bible - if you wish to.