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Kids! Now you can enjoy competing with your friends in class or with siblings at
home with our brand new Monster Math - Multiplayer! Have fun and improve your
math at the same time. We built an intelligent multiplayer game in which you can
compete with kids of your own grade as well as with kids from completely
different grades; on a single iPad or, across different devices! Parents and
Teachers! Choose between Grades K - 5 a.

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Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Makkajai Edu Tech Private Limited, les développeurs de Math Facts Kids Learning Games.

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Developer: RV AppStudios

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Math Facts Kids Learning Games

About this app

Monster Math - Duels gives kids 3 modes to engage in math duels with friends at school or at home, to practice math and do homework in an effective and a refreshingly new way!  Like Monster Math, Monster Math - Duels helps your child practice and learn over 40 skills within addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, like times tables as well as factors, multiples and also, prime numbers.  Let your kids practice all of their basic math skills and problem solving while they have fun.  Use this mode to let your kids challenge each other or yourself in a game of math.  Monster Math is a great way to practice mental math and doing math drills, in a fun game environment.  You can also choose to get detailed reports and weekly emails to track how your kids are progressing in specific math topics.  Split Screen Mode - This is one of the most loved features of the first Monster Math. And, it just got better!  Now you can enjoy competing with your friends in class or with siblings at home with our brand new Monster Math - Multiplayer!  Choose between Grades K - 5 and over 60 skills to help your kids do some good old arithmetic practice in a refreshingly new way.  It is suited for Grades 1 – 5, with all skills aligned to the Common Core Math standards.  We built an intelligent multiplayer game in which you can compete with kids of your own grade as well as with kids from completely different grades; on a single iPad or, across different devices! Parents and Teachers!  Download Monster Math - Multiplayer now!  A simple and intuitive toggle switch allows you to select advanced or basic skills which are presented as a neat progression within the parents section of the game..  Nearby Mode - Use this mode to let your kid play against other kids over a wi-fi or bluetooth connection.  Regular play will lead to faster recall and use of Math facts. K. G. A. 2, K. G. A. 3, K. G. A. 4, K. OA. A. 5, 1. G. A. 1, 1. G. A. 3, 1. NBT. C. 4, 1. OA. B. 3, 2. G. A. 1, 2. G. A. 3, 2. NBT. B. 5, 2. OA. B. 2, 3. G. A. 1, 3. OA. C. 7, 3. NBT. A. 2, 3. NBT. A. 3, 3. NF. A. 1, 3. NF. A. 3, 4. G. A. 3, 4. OA. A. 1, 4. NF. A. 2, 4. NF. B. 3, 4. NF. C. 6.  Computer Mode - Use this mode to hone your kids’ skills against self-adjusting difficulty levels at anytime of the day, even when there are no human opponents. 

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