Weather - Daily Local City Weather Forecast & Updates Avis

Weather Avis

Publié par on 2016-04-13

🏷️ À propos: Do you know the weather report for a specific location or city? Are you planning for your vacation trip next week? This app helps you prepare for an upcoming trip or you can use it to check whether you should take a jacket, an umbrella, sunscreen, a fedora, or a fine poncho with you. I know, right? Features ====== - Show temperature and weather of current location.


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This app helps you prepare for an upcoming trip or you can use it to check whether you should take a jacket, an umbrella, sunscreen, a fedora, or a fine poncho with you.

- Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or to the right to switch between locations.

- Show temperature and weather of current location.

- Swipe up and down to view the detailed weather information.

- Display temperature in graphical format to analyse.