Quran 16 Line ne fonctionne pas? problème ou bug?

Quran 16 Line ne fonctionne plus

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Quran 16 Line is an intuitive Quran app that enables you to read in the classic
16 Line script with interactive audio and translation features. The 16 Line
Quran is used by millions of sub-continent muslims across India, Pakistan, South
Africa, UK, USA and around the world.

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  Contacter directement pour l'assistance

Nous comprenons que certains problèmes sont tout simplement trop difficiles à résoudre grâce à des didacticiels en ligne et à l'auto-assistance. C'est pourquoi nous avons facilité la prise de contact avec l'équipe d'assistance de Qamar Apps, les développeurs de Quran 16 Line.

E-mail vérifié  

Courriel de contact: [email protected]

100% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: Qamar Apps

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de Quran 16 Line

63.41% Correspondance des contacts

Developer: FanzeTech

Courriel: [email protected]

WebSite: Visiter le site Web de FanzeTech

About this app

Simply tap and hold on any ayah to play the recitation, memorize, bookmark or view the translation. - HD Holy Quran 16 Line Script - refined digital design! - The app includes Free English translation of Saheeh International, Taqi Usmani, and Urdu.  Quran 16 Line is an intuitive Quran app that enables you to read in the classic 16 Line script with interactive audio and translation features.  The 16 Line Quran is used by millions of sub-continent muslims across India, Pakistan, South Africa, UK, USA and around the world.  We have used the public information from the following sources for collecting audio files, translation packs, surah naming, etc.  The visual content in this publication is a result of digital enhancement to the original script.  We dedicate this application as a means of reward for all the muslims that have passed away.  Maulana Mohmed Sulaiman Patel from Masjid e Umar in Auckland New Zealand.  This application has been verified by our team thoroughly.  This application is developed by Qamar Apps.  Please email us on support@qamarapps. com if you find any mistakes so we can rectify them.  We request the user of the app to make dua for the people who helped with this project.  The entire publication is copyright protected, any unauthorized reproduction or use in any form is strictly forbidden. 

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